§ Equality statement(s) of the VSA and local partners;
§ Equality, diversity, inclusivity and non-discrimination policies and procedures which reflect (at a minimum) the 9 grounds for non-discrimination under Irish equality legislation;
§ Equality proofing mechanism/checklist to ensure all policies and programmes take into account the likely impact on a group, including on the basis of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race/ethnicity and membership of the Traveller community;
§ Action plan to advance equality and diversity;
§ Recruitment policies and procedures which are aligned with equality, diversity and non-discrimination policies;
§ Anti-harassment policies and procedures which includes sexual harassment and on the other 8 grounds under Irish equality legislation;
§ Outline of internal organisational training/induction on equality, diversity and/or harassment;
§ Record/certificate of attendance for VSA personnel attending training on equality, diversity and social inclusion;
§ Grievance or complaints procedure to deal with complaints about harassment which outlines how it is disseminated to local partners and the wider community;
§ Whistleblowing policy which is compliant with The Protected Disclosures Act (2014);
§ Reasonable accommodation policy and/or strategy for people with disabilities.
§ Recruitment strategies which reflect a commitment to promoting diversity including on the basis of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race/ethnicity and membership of the Traveller community and socio-economic status;
§ Recruitment policies, procedures and guidelines which are fair and inclusive of the above;
§ Diversity and inclusion strategies;
– Targeted fundraising support for under-represented groups;
– Specific support packages for volunteers from under-represented groups including specific training and/or mentoring opportunities;
– Reserved places on a volunteer programme for members of an under-represented group.
§ Records/certificate of VSA personnel participation in training on equality and diversity; and in assessing the needs of, and working with, diverse volunteers;
§ Qualifications/CV of personnel supporting volunteers;
§ Training manual of the VSA/local partner is inclusive of, and works to promote, diversity;
§ Correspondence with local partners demonstrating an understanding of the capacity limitations of partners to support specific needs;
§ Examples of how volunteers are informed about the local context they will encounter in the project location and how that will relate to their specific needs;
§ Documentation designating a person responsible for reviewing training and support needs of volunteers as part of the annual planning process.
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Resources:
What does the law say?
Equality for employers
Equality in the workplace
Reasonable accommodation
Disability and reasonable accommodation