Our organisational culture has ingrained the protection of all people, including staff, volunteers, partners, programme participants and community members. We recognise that in certain situations children and some adults may be more vulnerable to abuses of power and may require additional protections. We actively prevent harm and implement safe programmes. We respond appropriately when things go wrong, we reflect, learn and hold ourselves to account against safeguarding standards.

11.1. Safer Organisational Culture



We analyse the power dynamics in our organisation and programmes and act to educate and inform so that we address power imbalances and sustain a safer organisational culture.


  • Who do we seek to protect
  • How do we define those in need of protection?
  • How do we protect those in need of protection?
  • How do we cultivate an open culture across our organisation and programmes that promotes holding each other accountable for the protection of everyone?
  • Is there zero tolerance of unacceptable behaviours?
  • How do our organisational cultures enable all staff, volunteers, partners and programme participants in all their diversity and uniqueness, to feel included, listened to, respected and celebrated?
  • How are all our staff, volunteers, partners and programme participants made aware of what to expect from staff and volunteers and enabled to report if expected standards of behaviour are not met?


  • Training materials or records or certificates of attendance for staff and volunteers’ participation in training on topics such as power and privilege, EDI, Anti-Racism
  • Diversity data
  • Feedback from staff, volunteers and programme participants (e.g. staff exit interviews, volunteer de-briefing and evaluations)
  • Case studies of incidents

11.2. Safer Leadership and Accountability



Our leaders and board members model leadership behaviours which create safe environments and demonstrate accountability for safeguarding.


  • Do our board members understand their safeguarding governance role?
  • Do we have a named safeguarding board member?
  • What is our board’s role in ensuring organisational safeguarding risks are mitigated?
  • Is safeguarding a standing item on board and leadership and/or team meetings?
  • Do we have a named Safeguarding Lead/ Focal Point?
  • How empowered are we all to challenge the behaviours of our leaders and board?
  • How do leaders and board members promote an organisational culture which prohibits misconduct and welcomes reports of concerns?


  • Leaders and board members’ role descriptions showing clearly defined accountabilities for safeguarding
  • A resourced safeguarding implementation plan which is approved by leaders and/ or board members
  • Documented and anonymised minutes of meetings showing learning from safeguarding incidents, as appropriate
  • Safeguarding on the organisational risk register
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead/ Focal Point(s) whose role and contact details are publicly available to all

11.3. Safer Policies and Prcedures



We have easily understandable policies and procedures which are known and understood and document expected standards of conduct and the organisational commitments to implement these policies and procedures.


  • Who needs to be protected in our organisation?
  • What potential harms do they need to be protected from?
  • Who is involved in the creation of our policies, e.g. staff, volunteers, partners, programme participants, community?
  • How are rights embedded into our Code(s) of Conduct and safeguarding-related policies?
  • How are our Code(s) of Conduct and safeguarding-related policy commitments enacted in our organisation?
  • How are our Code(s) of Conduct and safeguarding-related policies communicated to all? Do they require translation? Do we need a child/ reader-friendly version?
  • When, and how, are our policies and Codes communicated to staff, volunteers, partners and programme participants?
  • Have our Codes and Policies been approved?
  • Have our Codes and Policies been reviewed within the last three years?
  • How is the implementation of our policy reviewed and assessed?


  • Safeguarding policy(ies) and procedure(s), which are compliant with Irish legislation and reflect international best practice standards, protect staff, volunteers, partners and programme participants and all those in contact with the organisation
  • Code(s) of Conduct which prohibit all forms of violence, abuse, exploitation, bullying and harassment and are compliant with international standards including the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) 6 Core Principles in relation to protection from sexual exploitation and abuse
  • Signed documentation that staff and volunteers are understand the safeguarding-related policies, Code(s) of Conduct and consequences of breaching these
    • Minutes of board and/ or staff meetings noting review and approval of safeguarding-related policies and Code(s) of Conduct

11.4. Safer People


Our organisational recruitment practices screen out unsuitable staff and volunteers. All our staff and volunteers understand their safeguarding responsibilities and are supported to act in line with these


  • What safer recruitment practices do we have in place?
  • How do we ensure that all staff and volunteers understand their safeguarding responsibilities?
  • What IEC materials and training do we provide to inform staff, volunteers, partners, programme participants and community members of our Code(s) of Conduct and safeguarding-related policies? To whom?
  • How do we include safeguarding throughout the volunteer and employee lifecycle?
  • How do we include safeguarding in the references of volunteers and staff when they leave us?


  • Sample of anonymised recruitment documents for staff and volunteers: advertisement; application forms; candidate’s identity and qualifications check; interview questions; criminal background checks (or self-declaration); at least two references
  • Pre-departure or induction training materials or records or certificates of attendance of a safeguarding induction
  • Records/ certificates of attendance of staff annual refresher training
  • Records/ certificates of attendance role specific training, e.g. specific training for programmes staff, volunteers, leaders or safeguarding focal points

11.5. Safer Programmes



We understand the safeguarding context of our programmes and integrate safeguarding throughout our programme management cycle.


  • How do we identify and mitigate the different vulnerabilities and risks to different people?
  • To what extent do we consider diverse identities when assessing risk and putting mitigations in place?
  • How do we assess safeguarding risks and include mitigations in our programme designs and programme implementation?
  • How are our activities with programme participants risk assessed and adapted to mitigate safeguarding risks?
  • To what extent are programme participants included in the risk identification and development of mitigation strategies?


  • Local mapping of support services, laws and cultures which influence safeguarding is in place
  • Risk assessment and mitigation plans for programmes and activities
  • Programme plans and budget include safeguarding activities
  • Monitoring and evaluation plans monitor the safe implementation of the programme(s)

11.6. Safer Partnerships



We work with local partners to safeguard all staff, volunteers, programme participants and community members. We ensure robust safeguarding systems are in place supported by mutual learning and development of good practice.


  • How do we assess and support partners’ safeguarding capacity?
  • How do we ensure that partners’ safeguarding policies and practices are keeping people safe?
  • How do we ensure that our relationship with partners is one of mutual respect and learning?


  • VSA partner selection guidelines show safeguarding due diligence as part of the selection process
  • Partnership agreements/MOUs between VSA and local partners address safeguarding
  • Evidence the VSA has identified and provided the safeguarding support, as appropriate

11.7. Safer Communications



We incorporate safeguarding measures into all forms of reporting and communications activities.


  • How do we publicly demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding?
  • How do we store information securely?
  • What standards do we apply to the use of programme participants’ information and images?
  • Do we have a policy and procedures to safeguard the personal information related to safeguarding incidents?


  • Sample consent form
  • Communications and social media policy/ guideline shows the safe generation, storage and use of programme participants’ images and information
  • IT policy/ guideline shows data is securely managed and checks to ensure neither hardware nor software is used to generate, store or share illegal or sexually explicit material
  • Public declaration of commitment to principles of the Dochas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages

11.8. Reporting and Responding



We empower, equip and encourage everyone to report suspected safeguarding failures. We take these reports seriously and seek to learn from these failings.


  • How do we create a culture where safeguarding reports are welcomed and accepted?
  • How do we include staff, volunteers, partners, programme participants and community in the design of the safeguarding reporting mechanism that they will be using?
  • How do we explain to everyone how safeguarding reports can be made, about what, how we will respond and how we will protect all those involved?
  • How do we identify and remove the barriers that may prevent different groups of staff, children and communities from speaking up and reporting concerns?
  • Are we prepared for finding and accessing trained and experienced investigators?
  • How do we centre the adult survivor in our response to complaints?
  • How do we act in the best interests of the child in our response to complaints?
  • How do we learn from safeguarding failings?


  • Documented child/survivor-friendly reporting and investigation procedure
  • Information and resources which show what behaviours to expect from volunteers, partner and VSA staff and what to do when expected standards of behaviour are not met
  • Documented whistle-blower protections
  • Documented disciplinary procedure which shows that action, up to and including termination, will be taken for substantiated reports



Principle 1
Principle 2
Principle 3
Principle 4
Principle 5
Principle 6
Principle 7
Principle 8
Principle 9
Principle 10
Principle 11
Principle 12
Principle 13


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